We vow to embrace the adaptability and indomitable spirit of the human being and uphold that creativity is inherent in the human spirit, and that there is no creativity without a person behind it.

We are committed to pushing the limits of creativity to new heights, incorporating new tools to create and also to rethink what creativity is and strengthen its relationship with the human spirit.

We understand that the revolutionary power of AIs, both generative and creative, is unstoppable and we declare our commitment to harness its potential to transform our world without ever forgetting that speaking of creativity implies a human creating.

We insist that co-creation be an integral part of the creative process whenever possible, rejecting the notion of the solitary artist and embracing the power of collaboration.

We commit to a constant and unyielding creative iteration and evolution of content, rejecting the notion of a finished product and embracing the idea that our work is always in progress.

We demand that AIs be given a seat at the table and included in the conversation, rejecting any attempts to marginalize or exclude it’s perspectives and insights.